Our service

In order to offer you the best service when it comes to your trip, we have included a Connection Guarantee in the price of our tickets. 

The purpose of this is to offer you as smooth and comfortable a trip as possible. This means that in the event of delays, schedule changes or flight cancellations leading to a delay of more than 24 hours, Resecentrumgruppen will offer you assistance in the form of the best possible alternative flight options. If there is no suitable option, instead you will be offered a full refund for all unused airline tickets, or a ticket back to your point of departure. You are free to choose which option suits you best.


Please note that we will only assist in instances where changes to a ticket affect your other tickets: for example, if you are flying Stockholm–London–New York City–Los Angeles and only the last segment is on a separate ticket, this is the segment we will rebook. Please also note that this product only applies if the flight is delayed, subject to a schedule alteration, or cancelled under normal circumstances. The Connection Guarantee does not apply in Force majeure situations, such as extreme weather events or pandemics.


Nor can it be used if you change any of your airline tickets yourself without our approval.


The Connection Guarantee can be used:


If the airline changes the times or cancels the flight before the scheduled departure, leading to you being delayed by more than 24 hours in arriving at your final destination.

If you are traveling on separate tickets.


How to use your Connection Guarantee:


If your flight on a separate ticket has been delayed, cancelled or the schedule changed, you must contact us within 48 hours if the alteration occurs more than four (4) days before your departure. If it occurs less than four (4) days before your departure, you must contact us within 24 hours. You can contact us by email or telephone, but if you neglect to inform us about the schedule change, delay or cancellation of the flight within the aforementioned timeframe, your right to the Connection Guarantee will be considered to be forfeited.


When you inform us of a schedule change or cancellation of a flight, with 72 hours we will offer you another flight in the same cabin class as you had booked, or a full refund for the unused airline tickets.


We must have received your response within 24 hours of you receiving our proposal, otherwise the Connection Guarantee product will be considered forfeited.


If, due to a delay or cancellation of a flight, you miss a connecting flight booked on a separate ticket, you must contact us immediately by telephone. If this occurs outside our opening hours, you must book your own flight on to your final destination. We will then reimburse your costs afterwards, on the condition you booked a flight in the same cabin class at a reasonable cost. If you choose to upgrade your ticket, you will be responsible for the extra cost. Please note that in such cases we always adhere to the airport’s recommendations for minimum connection times. If, taking this into account, you ought to have been able to make your connecting flight, you will not be reimbursed.


Accommodation: If, due to the delay or cancellation of a flight, you miss a connecting flight and must wait overnight (22:00–08:00) for a new flight, reimbursement will be paid for your accommodation, however to a maximum of SEK 500/passenger. The reimbursement amount remains the same regardless of the number of nights.


Food and drink: If, due to the delay or cancellation of a flight, you are delayed for more than four (4) hours, we will provide reimbursement for food and drink up to SEK 100/person.

If you are offered accommodation/food through the airline or at the airport, no reimbursement will be paid.


Alternative transportation: If we cannot find you another flight from the same airport, we can request that you travel to another airport within a 200 km radius. In such instances, transportation reimbursement of a maximum of SEK 1000 will be paid for the entire party.


Visa requirements

In some instances, you may require a visa or transit visa to complete your trip. You must establish whether this is the case and make arrangements accordingly yourself.



Please note that as you are travelling on separate tickets, you may need to check yourself in, as well as collect and re-check in your baggage, between flights.